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Pole Less 270 Wing Awnings

Poleless Wing Awnings

Tough Touring Supports only Trussed Poleless Wing awning designs - They are Fast to put up, strong and sturdy in wind and poor weather and they provide excellent coverage for low weight.


The most user friendly design is the 270 wing awning - pulling out and wrapping around the back of the vehicle  - structurally a simple and strong design with all arms and axis of the same size giving immense structural strength, 


We have sourced and fitted more than 10 brands of pole less wing awnings fitted them to our own vehicles and tested them - The shortlist of manufacturers we have fitted and tested over time are listed here: At present were regularly stocking 2 brands... The Ostrich wing and the Bush company XT 270 and XT MAX. 

 Ostrich 270 Wing awing - by African off road is our favorite all rounder in the range for its incredible versatility. Its the only awning to offer Rated Tie down points, combined with a wall kit that will work as a wind break in storm conditions. 

Its Canvas bag will allow the awning to dry while packed and integrated Poles in the legs support guying down in extreme wind. 

Every awning works in perfect weather... its the stormy stuff that sorts out the real winners....

Wind, rain and snow will test any shelter. Unlike the rest of the awnings deserving of this list - Ostrich does not make anything else other than awnings.... And with over 30 years of manufacturing just the one item - they have got their product hard to beat at their price point. 

Hilux with Black bundution and Ostrich w
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Ostrich on 200 Series Toyota Landcruiser
Ostrich Wing Awning logo

We Manufacture Brackets to fit these awnings to your vehicle/rack or tent. See Fitting Kits for more information. All components are Australian made using local steel and powdercoating. 


Any questions on poleless awnings in general call us for a chat.

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Tough Touring poleless awning bracket, Ostrich Awnings fitted  to Bunutop tents Fitted with Tough Touring 'All awnings fitted using tough touring brackets see 'FIT KITS' for bracket types for your application. 

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